Sunday, 24 April 2011


I'm at the bach sharing the festivities as its my bro's 50th birthday, as well as Easter, as well as ANZAC Day...soooo much going on. I am unsuccessful at keeping to the prescribed training schedule as the party atmosphere is all-consuming and too tempting. Its a very small place, but about 100 party-goers arrive. Massive amounts of food arrived with each guest too. The festivities began soberly enough with a Karakia (Maori blessing of the food) and prayers, but once that was out of the way we began to party. At least a dozen guests turned out to be musicians, picked up various instruments and somehow jelled together. They were still playing as the sun came up - at about the time when I should have been getting on my bike...  But I knew it would be like this. I had cut myself some slack. Besides, by now all the hard work has been done. In fact I only brought the mountain bike with me because it needed a good wash to get last weekend's salt and sand off. Guilt however eventually got the better of me and I took it out for a 50 K spin in the hills later on. All good until I got back and found my cleats had rusted shut. Landed softly in the thick grass that grows over the septic tank. Many willing hands to get me back up on my feet... but it must have looked funny. Lesson learned: always wash your bike after ridning through salt water puddles!

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